Technical aspects of a website include:
Data Structure
For a user to understand what you are offering, your data must in a structure for user to understand easily, rather than confusing and making a user leave
Fast Website
One can make their website fast by minimizing its load time as much as possible because the user hates to wait and if the website takes a bit too long to load then the user might just close it and whoop you just lost a client.
Crawl Reporting
Crawl reporting is a process of running a tool that goes around your website and provides you the pros and cons of your website which you can enhance for better results.
Avoiding Dead Links
Dead links are those kinds of links which refer to a page that is not available anymore. By updating your website frequently and deleting these kinds of links will enhance user experience
Eliminating Broken Links
Broken Links are kind of links which lead to nowhere, when a customer clicks on a broken link it will give an error of 404 which will definitely affect user experience in a bad way. By eliminating these kinds of links you can make user experience better.
Unique Content
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Here are some of the strategy tips for a technical optimized seo site
Technical Audit
Technical Audit contains all technical aspects which are mentioned above. Acronnic has full command in Technical Seo
Image Analysis
The size of an image that your website contains plays an important factor in your page load time. Smaller the size of an image, the faster the page will load.
Meta Data Scrutiny
The quantity of Meta data on your website helps search engines to filter your content. Meta data is presented as Meta description, Meta tags, Meta keys etc.
Keyword Research
Keyword research depends upon the study that how your target audience is going to search you through a specific keyword